Loose Pony on Rt. 10.
May 21, 2015

08:15hrs - While returning from picking up breakfast from Wawa FF/EMT McCully & FF/EMT Wallace noticed a loose miniature pony running in traffic on Rt. 10 in front of the Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church, the pony kept darting across both lanes of traffic almost being stuck or causing an accident multiple times. FF/EMT McCully used ambulance 8-2 to block traffic while FF/EMT Wallace attempted to capture the pony. After traffic was shut down, FF/EMT McCully went to the local farm to attempt to get a harness and the farm owner to assist with capturing the pony, during this time FF/EMT Wallace was able to secure the pony. The pony was safely returned to the farm to spend the rest of the day frolicking in the fields. Ohhhhh Wilbur!

Photos provided by Mysticman Photography.