KVFD @ The National Fire Academy
July 19, 2015

KVFD was well represented at the PA Annual Weekend at The National Fire Academy. Chief Brian Gathercole, Past chief Raymond Stackhouse, Deputy Chief Robert Cazillo, and FF Danny O'Connell attended, with FF/EMT Kevin Bambrick, who was there for another agency. Other Chester County fire companies represented were Malvern, West Grove, Honeybrook, and Wagontown.

This Annual Weekend Program, offered exclusively for the emergency services personnel of Pennsylvania, is a joint venture of the National Fire Academy (NFA) Field Programs Division, the Pennsylvania State Fire Academy (PSFA), and the Pennsylvania Fire & Emergency Service Institute (PFESI) as a co-sponsor.

The NFA hosts the program in Emmitsburg, Maryland and provides the instruction and course materials. The PA State Fire Academy selects the courses, recruits and registers the participants according to established student selection criteria. The attendees are able to network, attend services and the visit a Firefighter's Memorial and learn from top-notch instructors in the various classes offered over the weekend.

Staff Photos by Chief Gathercole