11th Annual Cpl Brandon Hardy Memorial Ride
July 16, 2016

This morning KVFD fire police worked with fire police from other companies to assist the Cochranville Fire Company in the 11th Annual Cpl. Brandon Hardy Memorial Ride. While the fire police worked hard to direct traffic so that the riders could stay together, KVFD and the other fire companies had fire units stationed along the route.

Cpl. Hardy was stationed in the Haditha Dam area of Al Anbar. While on patrol in the early morning hours of April 28, 2006, the vehicle in which Brandon was a passenger hit an IED. Brandon was killed in action along with Sgt. Edward G. Davis III, Antioch, IL and Sgt. Lea R. Mills, Brooksville, FL. Cpl. Brandon M. Hardy died fulfilling his greatest passion – serving his country.

See our Facebook page for the video.

Units: Chief 8, Deputy 8, Assistant 8, Ladder 8, Traffic 8, Utility 8, Tac 8, Tanker 8 and Amb 8-1
Hyperlinks: http://www.cplbrandonhardy.com/2301.html