Brandywine Quarry Joins the Campaign
November 26, 2017

Lynn Hanaway, the Owner/Operator of Brandywine Quarry and his family have joined our building campaign. The Brandywine Quarry is located on Church Street (Rt.10) in the Borough.

Lynn and the family recently made a generous donation in support of the new building. Tim Reynolds said,"They are also helping the fire department by storing the old WW II Monument stones on their property. And Lynn has agreed to work with the Department on materials needed for the project. They have supported and helped the Department not only now but in years past."

Won’t you join the Hanaway’s in their commitment to an updated fire station, and new memorial courtyard to honor our veterans and fallen firefighters? Help us to lead the way to revitalize First Avenue with your own gift to the building campaign.

The Department has received a $500,000 challenge from an anonymous foundation, the match means that any gift you give towards the building will be effectively doubled!

For more information on giving a gift to the campaign, please contact Stephanie Klingler at 610-496-4592 or Tim Reynolds at 610-306-4105. Checks can be mailed to KVFD, 329 W. 1st Avenue, Parkesburg PA 19365.

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