NATIONAL EMS WEEK May 21-27, 2023 - 49th Year Celebrating the EMS Profession
May 20, 2023

In 1974, President Ford designated the third week in May as EMS Week to honor EMS clinicians and the important work they do in our nation's communities. National EMS Week 2023—held May 21-27—marks the 49th year of this special week set aside to celebrate the EMS profession and its dedicated providers.

EMS Week is to celebrate EMS practitioners and the important work they do in our nation's communities. National Emergency Medical Services Week brings together local communities and medical personnel to honor the dedication of those who provide the day-to-day lifesaving services of medicine's frontline.

We have a great group of individuals providing the best care to our response area. KVFD thanks all of you for what you do and we cannot say thank you enough!

EMS Week is a perfect time to honor those frontline heroes dedicated to providing emergency medicine that saves so many lives every day.

In reminding the Community that every day EMS is faced with so many new challenges, yet we still rise above them all and continue to respond, support, and care for the needs of our communities that we serve.

Thank you to our EMS Leadership & Career Staff and Volunteers at KVFD who continue to respond to emergencies 24/7. Thank you for your dedication, support and responses.

We send our best wishes for the constant safety and good health of all EMS personnel on the first lines who continue to take care of our communities and thank you for the job that you do Day In and Day Out!

EMS Recognition Day, an opportunity to acknowledge your local EMS heroes and others who save lives through the EMS system thanks to an unwavering commitment to serve their communities should be something that sticks out everyday.