Summer Must Be Coming - We Are Talking About The Fair v2
March 4, 2014

The Parkesburg Fair Sponsored by KVFD

A New and Improved Partnership with Houghton Enterprises, Inc.

The Board of Directors are pleased to announce that the Parkesburg Fire Company Fair will be renamed as the Parkesburg Fair sponsored by KVFD, and will be managed and produced by Houghton Enterprises of Cochranville.

Tentatively pending approval by the Borough of Parkesburg, it will be held June 30, 2014, to July 5, 2014, at Minch Park. Mr. Ray Campbell, Chairperson of the KVFD Board of Directors, said, “We are excited to still bring the fair to the community but be able to address our staffing concerns with this new relationship. The new relationship turns over more of the fair staffing to Houghton and limits the need of our volunteers to staff the event as it did in years past, all while still guaranteeing the KVFD a profitable venture.”

The Keystone Valley Fire Department has an increasing demand on our members to provide EMS and fire services with a corresponding need to increase training time. The priority should always be providing those services.

For more information-see also:

Attachment KVFD Press Release-Fair 03042014.pdf  (607k)