"Friends and Family Day" at the West Chester Fire Training Center
April 13, 2014

As the end of the Firefighter I class draws near, FF Vasquez and FF Sharpless were involved in live fire training with an invite to all friends and family members to attend.

Chief Stackhouse stopped by today to show his support and took some photos.

Nice job Nate and Avery..

The DES web-site describes Firefighter I as "a 172 hour recruit level basic firefighting course. The goal of the course is to provide a person with little or no previous fire service training or experience with the basic knowledge and skills required to function safely and effectively as a member of a fire suppression team functioning in today’s environment. Students will also receive training in Haz Mat Operations, CPR/AED, and Structural Burn. The final test will be for PA State Volunteer certification and National Firefighter I.