15th Annual Pumpkin Olympics comes to Highland Township on November 8th, 2014
October 13, 2014

The 15th annual Pumpkin Olympics will feature Smokin Lamas punkin'chunkin' and lots of games and food. Proceeds will benefit the Parkesburg Point youth center.

Events will run 11am-3pm, followed by the awesome Pumpkin Avalanche and Smash Fest.

Special Events: 11:30-Weighted Carry Competition; 12:00-"Got-to-Go" Race; 12:30-Pie Eating Contest; 1:30-Pairs Pumpkin Race; 2:00-Cow Patty Bingo; 2:30-Pumpkin Throwing Finals; 3:30 Pumpkin Avalanche & Smash Fest

The event takes place at the

Glen Run Valley View Farm
280 Lenover Road
Atglen, Pennsylvania 19310

The event runs from 11:00 A.M. to 4: 00 P.M.


Hyperlinks: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10171802_869604183052786_5362310133062224070_n.jpg?oh=d6698721cfefcd8814e92ee4ca2451f0&oe=54C60C57&__gda__=1420522974_6a3896b45cb17c35af6d0baa20f912e9