Election Results - 2015-2016
October 28, 2014

At last night's department meeting, the KVFD held elections and we are pleased to announce the following persons were elected and will hold office in 2015 and 2016.

Three members of the Board of Directors (joining Jared Dalmas and Bob Tribbett who hold unexpired terms)
Ray Campbell,
Doug Delestienne,
Bill Taggart.

Recording Secretary
Jennifer Holmes

Membership Secretary
Amy Stackhouse

Department Fire Chief
Brian Gathercole

Deputy Chief
Rob Cazillo

Assistant Chief
Rich Klingler

Mike Budzik,
Josh Schreiber

Fire Lieutenants:
Ford Smith,
Chris Trainor,
Rick Reynolds

Amb Lieutenants:
Mike Emerson,
Penny Knotts

Safety Officer
Kevin Holmes

Fire Police Captain
Gene Ratcliff

Fire Police Lieutenants:
Bob Linsinbigler,
John Ford

Keystone Valley Fire Department Firefighters Relief Association Meeting October 27, 2014 Election Results

Jared Damas

Vice President
Ray Campbell

Jim Thompson,
Gene Ratcliff,
John Ford

A.P.A Accounting

Penny Knotts

The Board is pleased that our membership has been fully engaged at meetings and has been proactive in their thinking. All are intent on providing the best service possible to the communities we serve.

Deputy Chief Gathercole said tonight, our focus is still on "Working Regionally to Survive Locally.” He continued, "We are united in a common thread of moving forward and striving to be efficient while providing excellence in service. Our secondary goal is to maintain and build our volunteer membership."

“The KVFD also looks forward to continuing its working relationships with its municipalities, and neighboring departments. We are truly all dedicated to just one goal, regardless of the helmet frontage or uniform; protecting our friends, families and neighbors. “

The BOD and members would like to thank Chief Raymond Stackhouse for his leadership and pro-active approach to the consolidated fire service as the first fire chief of the department. These were challenging times and with his leadership, we not only survived but prospered. He well deserves a break in January.